His Virgin Bride Read online
Page 5
I reach out and feel it in my hand. It’s so hard I could probably use it to break that wine bottle he bought me. I swallow the saliva in my mouth and look up at him. “You’re so innocent, aren’t you?” he asks, placing his hand around my chin and cheeks. He leans forward and kisses me again.
“I’m not as innocent as you think,” I whisper.
He gives a look of pleasure. “Yeah? Why don’t you prove it to me?”
I let my mouth open. My tongue folds out slowly. His fingers enter my mouth, enter the back of my throat. I wrap my lips around them and slowly move my head back and forth. “Holy shit, baby,” he moans. I start stroking his cock, feeling him get even harder.
His other hand pushes my panties off to the side. His hand touches my pussy, wet and aching. I want to cum so bad. I can’t believe this is happening right now. I can’t believe I allowed him to come over. He slips two fingers inside of me and moves them in and out. I moan lightly and close my eyes. Both hands move back and forth.
“You like having both holes filled, don’t you?” he asks.
I nod and he takes his fingers from me. “I need you, Olivia. I need you now,” he says.
“Then take me,” I say.
There’s no hesitance. He pulls my body toward him. He slides my panties down, past my ankles. He throws them on the floor, as I pull my shirt over my breasts. He kisses each, gently, and holds them in both hands.
“You’re so fucking beautiful,” he whispers. He guides his cock toward my lips. He pushes his hips forward. I feel the pressure of his head. I hold my breath. This is it. He can barely fit. “You okay?” he asks me.
I nod and open my eyes again. His hips keep moving forward. The pressure gives in to something unimaginable. We both moan loudly as hesitance and fear makes way for pleasure. “Oh, fuck,” I groan.
“You feel that?” he asks.
“Deeper,” I moan.
He’s halfway inside me, but it doesn’t take long for him to push deeper. His cock feels so fucking huge inside of me. My small body against his, his hands gripping around my hips, and my legs pressing against his chest, is all too much for me right now. When he slides back out and then back in, we moan in unison, once more, before picking up speed.
His hands tighten around my waist. “Yes!” I exhale. “Just like that.”
He thrusts harder than before, faster even. I place my hands against his firm chest. I feel every single ripple of muscle between my fingers. I’ll never get this moment back and he knows it. It tempts him further and the sheer fact that he’s this wild over me has driven me close to the edge.
He grabs my thighs and moves them together. Spinning my body to the side, he spoons me from behind. He enters me again, cupping me against him. I instinctively push my ass back against him as he fucks me slower, yet powerful and deep. “I want to make you cum,” he whispers.
“I’m so close,” I admit.
Both hands move around my breasts. He forces himself and thrusts faster now. In and out, opening me up, he’s discovering and conquering me in between every interval of breath. When he kisses the back and sides of my neck, I can’t take it any longer. I feel my thighs start to shake. I feel the goose bumps form again, and that warm, rising feeling on my cheeks. My pussy feels electrified. No, it feels like it’s going to explode like a volcano or earthquake.
When I feel like I’m dancing on pins and needles, I turn my head to kiss him. His tongue enters my mouth and his lips fall firmly against mine. I taste him and feel myself slip out of reality. “Shit,” I manage to say.
“Shh,” he whispers. “Let the doctor have his fun.”
But this is more than just fun. This is… holy shit, this is everything. He thrusts his hips and pinches my nipples, ever so slightly, and I just fucking lose it. I let out the loudest exclamation known to man, and I give way to the world of absolute satisfaction.
Both of his hands fall around my ass, as I’m writhing against his body. He grabs ahold and fucks me like the world is ending tomorrow, like this is the last time he’ll ever fuck a woman. “Good girl,” he whispers in my ear.
I can barely even think at this point. All I know is what I feel, and I feel everything a woman can feel in this position. He does what he wants with me. His masculine energy takes hold and suddenly, I’m laying flat on my stomach, while he takes utter control.
“James,” I whisper. “This is…”
I can’t even finish the sentence. He takes my hands and places them behind my back, near the curves of my ass. He forces both wrists together and holds them steady with one hand. With the other, he runs his fingers through my silky, brown hair. He grabs ahold and whispers, “This is everything I’ve been waiting for.”
“I’m yours,” I tell him. “All yours.”
He fucks me so good and is unabashedly strong and commanding. He controls me with his rigid cock. I manage to look back and see his cock disappear inside of me. I envelop him, lips around his shaft, walls tightening. “You feel so fucking good,” he whispers. I feel him shake lightly as he moves faster and faster.
“I want to cum inside you so fucking bad,” he whispers. The danger of it calls to him, but I’ve been on the pill for years, so there’s no worrying on my end. What he doesn’t know makes him yearn for it even more. “I want to fill you.”
“But it’s so risky,” I say.
“Exactly,” he smiles.
There’s a slight pause of silence as I feel him bottom out inside of me. His whole cock, as big as it is, is stuffing me to the brim. “Okay,” I whisper. “Do it. I want you to cum inside of me.”
He kisses every inch of my body, but never lets go of my wrists and hair. I’m his. I’m his girl. I can feel him swelling and pulsing. His groans grow deep, yet sharp as the intensity quickens. My body smashes against the mattress as our rhythm becomes destructive.
Then I feel it. I feel his cock grow, and I know he’s about to burst. Three solid thrusts is all it takes for a man so close to the edge. One, two, three—“I’m… cumming,” he says. He lets go of my hair and wrists as pleasure takes hold of his body. I feel him shoot his warm load inside of me. His pelvis and legs shake against me.
“Olivia,” he whispers. It’s not a question or statement. It’s a desire wrapped in a name. Olivia, the good virgin girl he’s been waiting for.
He slowly slides out of me, sighing with, what sounds like, the agony of lust. I turn over as he falls to the side of the bed, staring at me with his smug eyes.
“Was I the best you’ve ever had?” he asks, jokingly.
I just laugh at his cockiness. “You were okay,” I say.
“Well then,” he sighs, “I guess we’ll just have to do this again.”
“You’re really sure of yourself, aren’t you?” I ask him.
“What?” he laughs. “You don’t want to see me again?”
“It was an experience to remember,” I say. “Nothing more.”
Still, as we open the bottle of wine he gave me earlier, I have a sense that he’s not leaving anytime soon, nor is he done with me. Am I done with him? Was it just an experience to remember, and nothing more? I look at him and know the answer. He’s bad for me, but I’m not through with him either.
Head is pounding. Reach for a glass of water. Can’t find it. Open my eyes. The sun pierces my retina. Close my eyes, but struggle to fall back in sleep.
Noises come from the kitchen as glasses ding against the sink. I hear the light tapping of footsteps coming my way. Olivia pops her half-naked body out of the kitchen and frowns. “Took you long enough,” she says. “You’ve been sleeping all day.”
“What time is it?” I ask, smacking my mouth open and closed. How much did I drink? I should have went home, but the temptation to feel a woman’s body against me, in another bed, was too great for me to handle.
“It’s almost one. Do you work today?” she asks me.
I shake my head. “No, I’ve got the day off, unless someone calls me
“So, let me get this straight,” she says, leaning against the wall and drying off her hands. “You could get called into surgery and then you’d have to operate on someone’s… brain, or something, while being totally hung-over?”
She looks surprised, but this is what I do on a daily basis. This is my life. It’s like making coffee in the morning. “Pretty much. I mean, at this point, I’ve done enough surgeries to feel comfortable enou—”
“You really have done that?” she asks, horrified by my response.
“I’ve done it at least a thousand times,” I boast. “I’ve never lost anyone in surgery.”
“You’re a freak, James Mason. A total freak,” she says.
“I signed up for a job that lets me cut people open with knives. You thought I was going to be normal? I’m far from it, baby,” I say. “Sorry to burst your bubble.”
“I guess you’re right. It would be a great job if you were a serial killer,” she says.
“Maybe I am.” I jump out of bed and run towards her, arms out. She screams and jumps back. I calm my position and laugh, kissing her on the cheek. “No, my job is pretty weird. There’s no doubt about it.”
“I’m just trying to open a simple juice bar. After I get that diploma, you should stop by,” she says.
“A juice bar?” I ask her. “What are your grades like again?”
“Don’t be mean. I’d have the best damn juice in this stupid city. Anyway, I’m lying. I’m not opening a juice bar. To be honest, my GPA is 4.3 and I still have no idea what I’m going to do with my life,” she says. The coffee machine behind her starts sputtering, until hot air prevails against the water. “Oh, coffee!” She jumps up and runs toward the machine.
“One splash of cream, please,” I say.
“Yes, sir,” she replies back.
The great worry of school and what you can tackle after you’re done. I remember that fear. It somehow used to paralyze me. That was before I knew what life was really like. “It doesn’t really matter what you do. But if there’s something that calls to you, you need to just dive into it. You only really lose when you don’t go for something,” I say.
“How motivational-speaker of you. You should speak at the graduation. Really, you’d be good at it,” she says.
She’s full of sass, just ready to destroy any man who comes her way. Was she really a virgin? I have to admit, last night was the one of the hottest experiences I’ve ever had.
“Were you really a virgin or were you just saying that to role play?” I ask her.
I walk into the kitchen as she pours the coffees. The rich aroma fills the room, filling my senses with excitement and the standard pleasure I now need to feel every morning. She turns around and hands me a cup. “Well, did it turn you on, big boy?” she asks.
I look down at her soft shorts. They ride up her thighs like it’s no thing, but I’m already hard again and my boxer-briefs are no concealer. Soft. Everything about her is soft. Not to mention, tight. Brand new. Like a present on Christmas fucking day, I untied that ribbon and threw it behind me.
“What do you think?” I walk forward and push my body close to hers. She looks up at me with those youthful eyes. I just want to keep doing terrible things to her. I want to feel her tight pussy wrap around my cock. I want to hear her cries and her moans. I want to feel her shake against me. Shit. I just want to fuck her into Thursday, over and over again.
“I think you’re a nasty pervert. But who cares what I think? I liked it too,” she says. She leans forward on her tippy-toes and kisses me lightly. She walks back into the bedroom of her apartment and sits on the bed.
“How old are you?” I ask her.
“Seventeen,” she says, with a wink.
“Stop. I’m not that sick. I know that much,” I say.
“I’m twenty-three,” she says. “I took a few years off of school, so it has taken me a bit to get here. And you?”
I cool my coffee off with a few quick breaths, eventually taking a small sip to feel the temperature. “You really want to know?” I ask her. I’m old, dammit. At least, getting there. Thirty-five. Who the hell thought I’d make it?
“Duh. Let me guess. You’re thirty-two,” she says.
“How flattering. But no, I’m thirty-five. Thirty-six this year,” I say.
“Not bad,” she says. I take another sip of coffee and set it down on her bedside table. I move toward her, unable to get my eyes off her body. The way she feels against me is like nothing in this world. My hand can firmly grip any part of her body. Maybe my father is right. Maybe I do need a woman…
“Finish your coffee, weirdo,” she says. I grab the cup again and drink a big gulp.
“So, when are we doing this again?” I ask.
With a raised eyebrow, she says, “Who said we are? Maybe this was just a onetime thing.”
“Or maybe not.” I crawl back onto the bed and place my hands on her thighs. She doesn’t protest, so I move in for the kill. I place my lips against her stomach and kiss her smooth skin.
Finally, as I drag my head downward, she pushes me off her and groans. “Seriously,” she says. “Maybe we shouldn’t.”
“Why the hell not?” The words just fall from my mouth.
“Because, I don’t know. I’m thinking that maybe I shouldn’t go crazy with things just because we had a good time,” she says.
I put my hands in the air and back off. “Fine. I understand. So you just want to call it quits then?” I ask her. She’s confusing as hell. Of course, I’m not about to call it quits on my end. I need this woman again. It’s just a fact of nature.
“I don’t know what I want,” she says.
Her attitude has completely shifted in emotion. I continue to work my magic on her. “Look, I owe you something,” I say.
She glances up at me and laughs lightly. “You owe me something?”
“Yeah, I owe you a good night,” I say. She rolls her eyes when I say it, but I clarify further. “Not like that. I mean, why don’t you go out with me sometime? We can go to this place down the street from me. Best steaks in town.”
“Let me think about it,” she says. “I’ve got your number.”
“That’s alright with me,” I say. “Take your time. I’m easy.”
As soon as I’m done with the coffee, I leave her place. There’s a small kiss goodbye, a few smiles, and then the door closes, and I’m back out in the world again.
What was last night? Did it even really happen? It felt like pure, and utter fantasy. It’s the kind of thing you wish to happen but never does. The funny thing is, I thought she’d be out of my system by now. I didn’t even plan to spend the night. It’s my one rule with women. Always go home after the hot and heavy has died down.
I broke my only rule. But why?
All I know is that I have to get her to see me again. If she’s not game, I’ll go crazy. It’s not like me to get this hung up on someone, purely because of the sex, but my god, Olivia was incredible and it was only her first time. All of the images run through my mind. I want her. I need her. I’m downright obsessed.
Classes are crazy right now, but not as crazy as what happened the other night. I’ve kept it all in, until now, trying my best not to talk to Josie about it. My thoughts on James were simply this: he would be a one-time thing and then I’d be on my way.
Now, I’m not so sure. I can’t stop thinking about him. It’s like he’s riding two different lines. On the one hand, he’s completely successful, strong, smart, and confident. Plus, he’s funny sometimes. All of those things are great, but I’m not sure I can trust him. If he’s thirty-five and so great, why in the hell is he single?
Josie just sits there, in her living room, smiling way too big for my taste. “What?” I ask her. “You’re being weird.”
“I’m just so happy, and proud of you. I can’t believe you did it,” she says. “You lost your virginity. How does it feel to be a woman?”
“Stop. I’m twenty-three. I’ve been a woman for some time, you know,” I sigh. “Actually, now that I’ve done it, I feel kind of…”
I try to think of the word, but Josie is one step ahead of me. “Liberated?”
“No. More like, grossed out by the whole thing. Is this really what it’s all about? Sex?” I ask.
“Uh, yeah. Like, seventy-five percent of life is about sex. The rest is like, I don’t know, paying your bills and stuff. Kids. A house,” she says, counting her fingers.
“How utterly depressing,” I sigh.
“You’re going to see him again, right? I mean, does he want to?” she asks. “You had a good time, right?”
“I had a great time when I was in the moment. He kept asking to hang out again, but it was too fun messing with him. Honestly, I don’t know what’s going to happen. Maybe it should stay a one-time thing. Maybe I should move on and finish everything with my degree,” I say.
“Or maybe you should see this through because he totally likes you and is an insane catch,” she says. “Plus, even if it doesn’t work out, it’s a good life experience. Who cares?”
“Right. Who cares about my heart? After all, it’s just my heart.” I roll my eyes.
“I didn’t mean it like that,” she says. “I just mean, sometimes, you have to just try something. Even if it’s scary, you never know what could happen. Maybe you two will fall in love.”
“Doubt it. It’s just a thing of lust,” I tell her. “Plain and simple. It was fun, but I’m not sure it’s a good idea for me to call him again.”
“You’re going to call him again. Plain and simple. If you don’t, I’m not sure if we can be friends anymore,” she says. I roll my eyes back hard and pretend I’m dying. “Stop being dramatic. By the way, you’re going to this party tonight with me, aren’t you?”
“Party? You never told me you were going to a party,” I say.
“I texted you saying we’re going to have fun tonight,” she says.
“So that means we’re going out partying?” I ask her.