Hail Mary Baby: A Secret Baby Sports Romance Page 8
Pretty soon, we were winning the game. And by winning, I mean by a lot. I’d like to take all the credit for it too, but I couldn’t. In fact, it was the best all of our team had played during this season. Advertising agencies, sportswear, and soda companies were all most likely lining up and making calls to get us to be their spokesmen.
However, only two things were on my mind: Winning the game and winning Laura’s heart. Every play I made, I would look up to that box and I would see a speck of a person looking down at me. Her beautiful hair, that incredible body. I hoped she was feeling something for me. Because I sure did feel something for her.
Halftime came and went. We were enthused. We were going to win this one. We had to. On the field, I came face to face with Jenkins. He looked kind of sour, but when I walked past him he whispered, “Keep killin’ it out there, brother. Always rooting for you, no matter who you’re playing against.”
His camaraderie was special, that’s for sure. I gave him a thumbs up and said, “Me too, Jenks. You’re one of the best.” No doubt the media would have a field day with that one.
Well, maybe I shouldn’t have said what I said to Jenkins. Because, before I knew it, he was zipping through our defensive linemen, pushing past our linebackers and slamming that ball into the end zone.
“Fuck!” I yelled, each time he scored.
By the fourth quarter, we found ourselves in deep shit. We were down by 3, with only five minutes to spare. Was it even possible to catch up? Of course it was. But time was running out and our run this season had the whole stadium in doubts. “Will Liam Conway fail again?” Was the question on everybody’s mind. Well, fuck ‘em. I was in it to win it.
Our coach, sane as he was, called a quick time out. We had some strategy to go over.
“Alright,” He said, “This is the time to prove yourselves. We all thought we had this one in the bag, but it turns out they have some tricks up their sleeves. Well, so do we. And here it is.” In his hand was the big play book. It was made by one of the first coaches and ever since then, it had been secretly handed down generation after generation. There were some serious plays in that book. At this point, it was looking like we needed a miracle.
“What's the play, Coach?” I asked him, spitting my mouth guard out.
“The play is called Lock and Release. Liam I'm going to have you get sacked.” He said calmly.
My eyes widened. “Me? What do you want me to get sacked for? I’ve been playing good, haven't I?”
“Don't worry, you've been playing great. But I have an idea. We need to fake them out. Charlie, you up to play a little quarterback today?” He asked Charlie, who’s expression also looked doubtful.
“I'm up for whatever you want, Coach. Just tell me what to do and I'll do it.”
“Well alright then, boys. Looks like we have a play. Liam, you're going to fake quarterback. When the ball is given to you, you're going to hand it off to Charlie. The whole time you need to act like you still have the ball. They'll sack you, but by the time they do, Charlie will have passed it to Jimmy over here. Jimmy, you'll be in the end zone and you'll bring it home. Alright, you guys ready?” He asked us.
I looked at Charlie and then at Jimmy. All three nodded with confidence and clarity. “Ready as we’ll ever be.” I said.
“Okay, boys. Counting on all of you. I know you won't let me down.”
We walked back onto the field, drenched in sweat, endorphins flooding through our body. It was now or never and the clock was ticking. We needed to get one touch down. Just one.
I looked up at the booth with Laura in it. I felt a surge of passion rush through me. “You got this.” I whispered to myself, running my hands across my pads. I grabbed Charlie and Jimmy’s helmets and slammed mine against theirs. “We got this!” I yelled.
I started the play. I was ready. “Blue 42! Red 64! Hut! Hut! Hike!” I felt that leather spin into my hands and I immediately dropped back. It slipped out of the side of my hands, falling perfectly into Charlie’s. We both dropped back. The defensive line had broken through our guards. I faked as if I were going to make a run for it. I was almost instantly sacked.
I smiled and turned my head to look through the cracks of the bodies on top of me. Charlie gave me a look and then aimed at Jimmy who was nearing the end zone. “Come on, you son of a bitch!” I yelled. “Go! Go! Go!”
Jimmy’s eyes lit up as he realized the ball was spinning faster than he predicted. At this point, everyone was staring his way. Would he win the game? Or would he lose everything for us? I held my breath and hoped to God he caught it.
He ran full speed and took a sharp dive into the end zone. With outstretched arms and open hands, he turned his body and caught that glorious spinning piece of leather. The ball sunk into his chest, safe and secure as a baby held by its mother. I pushed the men off me, jumped up, and ran into the end zone to dog-pile Jimmy.
“TOUCHDOWN!” The screens flashed with neon firework-like images. The Patriots logo was everywhere, shining in full glory. We won. “We fucking won!” Charlie yelled as he joined the dog-pile.
I glanced up at the box. It was suddenly empty. Confused, I made my way off field with the other players. Instead of taking a shower, I ran out of the locker room and into the inner parts of the stadium, making my way through fans left and right. They were screaming at me, “Liam! Take a picture with me! Sign my football!”
I just kept running. Finally, I found her. She was standing outside. But instead of wearing a happy smile, she had tears in her eyes.
“I'm sorry. I'm so fucking sorry.” I said, unable to hold my tears in. I was in a bind. A true fucking bind. After seeing his determination out there and watching him win that game, I kept thinking about how he was Alex’s dad. There was a mixture of happiness and utter desperation in my emotions, and I didn't know what to do.
“What's the matter, baby?” He asked, running toward me. He held me and stroked my hair. “Hey, are you okay? Did I make you sad somehow?”
I shook my head. Oh, how vain men could be sometimes. “No.” I said, although I guess he was mildly right when you think about it. “I'm just so happy.” I mumbled, lying. I had to lie. How could I tell him I had his child a year ago? He'd be furious.
Still, I liked being around him. I liked the way he talked, the way he held me, and I especially liked the way he looked into my eyes. I used to hate football players and jocks of all kinds. Now, I was falling for the biggest jock on the planet. What was I even doing?
“Well you don't look too happy.” He said.
I wiped my tears away and gave a little sniffle. “I'm okay. I promise.” I took a deep breath and within a few moments I was actually fine. It's amazing what a good cry will do for you. “Don’t you have to hit the showers?” I asked him.
“Nah, they don't need me anymore.” He laughed. “Besides, I just want to spend this time with you.”
I looked at him. He was so sly. “Can I see the locker room?” I asked, returning his sly smile. “Will the players still be in there?”
“Oh, I get it.” He laughed. “You want to see all the naked players, huh?”
I shook my head and pushed him playfully, “No! I just want to see it if it's empty. I want to walk through those doors and go into the hallway where you enter the field. I want to know what that's like, that's all.”
“Follow me.” He said. He was still in his padding, covered in sweat and green patches from the field below. He was like a warrior, coming back from battle. He was hotter than ever, I could barely hold back from drooling.
He led me through the private doors, down the stairway, and into the locker room. It wasn't anything special, of course, but that's not why I wanted to go down there. “You look a little sweaty.” I smiled. “I think you need a shower.” I suggested.
“Ha, yeah I guess I do…” He muttered.
“Well, go on. Strip for me.” I said, eyeing him.
“You want me to strip?” He couldn't h
old back from laughing.
“It's not funny.” I said. “Strip for me, Cowboy.”
Without saying a word, he undid the laces of his pants and clipped out of his padding. His incredible abs were glistening with beads of perspiration. He threw off his pants and stood there in front of, fully nude. “You like what you see, honey?”
My mouth hung open. I could feel myself start to get incredibly wet. “I love it.” I said.
He walked slowly over to the showers and turned one of them on. I watched him steadily as he got in it, soaping his Romanesque body. I ran my hands on my breasts, quickly dropping them between my legs. I slowly got out of my clothes and stepped in with him. He looked at me as the water fell onto both our bodies.
“Now,” I began, dropping to my knees. “I think we have a little celebrating to do. Don't you agree?”
He choked. “I do. I need you to give me my trophy.” He said.
“Here it is, big boy.” I smiled.
He closed his eyes and I kissed his legs upward, kissing his inner thighs and pelvic muscles. Finally, I dragged my wet tongue across his huge cock, feeling every ridge of him. He slid inside my mouth, but only for a second until I pulled him back out, teasing him.
“I need you inside me. Now.” I begged him. It had been so long since he had been and the pain of not having him was too much at this point. He spun me around and placed his hands on my ass, feeling every inch of my flesh. He groaned with pleasure as he grabbed his cock and entered me.
“Fuck.” I moaned. “You're so much bigger than I remembered.”
He kissed my back and then my neck, circling his tongue around my ear. I shivered with utter satisfaction and desire. I closed my eyes. I just wanted to feel him.
The hot water from the shower was pouring on us, as steam rose around the room. Soon enough, we could barely see each other, but I could feel as he thrust his body into mine in strong rhythmic motions.
“Yes!” I exclaimed, face against the tiled wall.
He pulled himself out from me and turned me around so that I was facing him now. “I like this game we play.” He said. “But I'd like to keep playing it if you know what I mean.” He kissed me, pulling back on my bottom lip.
“Are you asking me to be your girlfriend?” I asked him.
“I'm saying I like to be around you. That's all.” He said.
“Be around me. I dare you.”
He kissed me again and picked me up, setting me down on his cock. He pushed into me, still staring directly into my eyes, and moaned. “I think I'm going to cum already.” He laughed, brushing the wet hair out of my eyes.
“Cum inside of me.” I said. This time, I was a bit more careful. I wasn't as stupid with the pill as I was two years ago. “I want to feel it.”
It came fast this time. He had been holding it all in, all for me he said. I felt as he thickened inside of me, pouring his life into me. I grabbed around his shoulders and pushed into him, feeling him as close and deep as he could go. His pelvic muscles pushed into me.
When it was over, he looked at me exhausted and said, “Who are you Laura Alvaroy? Where have you been hiding my whole life?”
“Oh, you know. I’ve been around. You just didn’t look hard enough.”
“Well,” She said, as we got dressed again, “I guess you have to go and be with the team, huh?”
I shrugged and gave her a small nod. “Yeah, I guess so. I have some time to kill though. Can I take you home?”
She smiled and replied, “I would love that, Liam.”
I had my driver pick us up. Nothing too fancy, just a rental SUV. Still, it felt good to sit next to her for the ride. There was so much I wanted to do with her now. I wanted to prove to her that I wasn’t some stupid jock. I needed her to know that I was different from the rest of them. I wasn’t like Charlie. If only she knew that I had been thinking about her all this time. She knew to some extent, but not the whole thing. From here on out, I was going to show her I was better than the rest.
We pulled into her driveway and parked. “Thanks Simon. It was a wonderful drive.” I said to my driver. He opened the doors for us and gave a half-bow. It was a joke he liked to make with me, as if I were royalty or some shit. I laughed and said, “Okay, Okay. I’ll be out in a bit.” I said.
We walked up to the steps of her porch. She stopped me and asked, “Sure you can’t stay for a while?” She looked down, seemingly embarrassed by the question. “It’s just that we haven’t gotten much time together. I’d like to get to know you better.”
It wasn’t a tough sell. Not one bit. “I’ll stay as long as you want me to.” I said. I turned to Simon, my driver, and said, “Hey, Simon! Might be a little longer than I let on.”
“As long as you tip me big, I don’t care.” He said, with a comic smile on his face.
I shook my head. “Always emptying my pocket.”
She unlocked the door, but hesitated on opening it. Inside was the sound of crying. “Sorry! I, uh. I think my, uh, sister is still here.”
“You have a sister?” I asked her. “I’d love to meet her.”
She began stuttering. It was actually pretty damn weird. “No, well, yes! But she’s not well. She’s, uh, a little sick in the head.”
“Oh. Well, still. She’s your sister. Anyone related to you is worth meeting.” I said. “But what was that crying? Sounded like a baby or something.”
“Ugh, she’s always blasting that TV. Is it okay if I just go inside and check on her real quick? It’ll only be one second.” She said. She actually looked really worried at this point. I wondered just how bad this sister was.
She quickly opened the door and ran inside, slamming it behind her. “Damn.” I whispered, feeling pretty damn confused about everything. I paced around the porch until finally Laura and her sister came outside. When they did, however, they were both looking kind of crazy.
“Took you gals long enough.” I said, half-joking.
Her sister got up in face and pointed at me. I jumped back. “You treat her with respect, God dammit!” She said loudly. “If you don’t, I swear I’ll find you and it won’t be pretty!”
“Okay…” I muttered. “You don’t need to worry, trust me.”
“Ha!” She cackled. Then she turned to Laura and whispered sweetly, “Goodnight, darling.”
She walked away with a dignified smile. “What was that about?” I asked her.
“Told you she was crazy.” She said. “Come in. Let’s relax.”
We walked inside. She sat down, but I walked in the hallway, looking at her home. It was nice. Like, really fucking nice. “Hey, come and sit down with me.” She said.
“You have two bedrooms? Is the second one a study or something?” I asked her. I always wanted a second room to put a small gym in it or something. Seemed nice.
“Yes!” She said, jumping up from the couch. She ran toward me and grabbed my arm. “Come on,” she pleaded, “Sit and talk with me. Do you want a beer? I’ll get you a beer.”
“What’s wrong? Why do you want me to sit down so bad? What’s going on with you?” I asked her. Something felt off, like she was hiding something from me. I just couldn’t put my finger on what it was.
“Wrong? Nothing’s wrong. I just like your company. I guess that’s wrong of me.” She was starting to get defensive. She was even a little red in the face.
I sighed. “Fine. Whatever. I’ll sit down.”
I sat down on the couch and faced her. “Alright, what do you want to know?” I asked her.
“Everything.” She smiled. “Tell me everything.”
“It’s a typical American story. Father meets mother. Mother has a baby. Father leaves family because he can’t handle the responsibility.”
“Oh.” Her eyes dropped. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to get so personal so fast. I’m really sorry Liam.”
I put my hand on her thigh. “Don’t worry about it. I wouldn’t have told you if I didn’t trust you. It’s somet
hing that happened a long time ago. It’s over and done with, you know?”
“I know.” She said. “Did you ever try and find him? Your dad, I mean.”
“Of course I did. But my mom refused for so long. All of my wins, all of those games, I pictured his face on the other players I plowed through. I wanted to find him and kill him. I’m not ashamed to say it. He left my mother high and dry. And believe me, my mom’s a fucking saint. I’d do anything for her.”
I laughed suddenly and said, “I guess that’s why I was always such a bastard to people in the industry. It was like everything that annoyed me was his fault somehow. Of course, that’s not true at all. Eventually, you grow older and you just have to move past it.”
She laughed too. “Is that a new mantra for you? I remember meeting a certain someone two years ago and them not being too nice to me.”
“I’m trying to be a different man.” I admitted. “Someone different than my dad.”
Her eyes sparkled against the low lighting of the room. “I like that.” She smiled.
“Me too.” I said.
Suddenly, my phone started ringing. I looked down. It was my manager. I stared at the screen, debating whether or not I should answer. “It’s one of the suits. I’ll ignore him.” I said. But as soon as I hit “decline” on my phone, the sound of crying came from that other room.
I turned to Laura trying to figure out what the crying was coming from. “That doesn’t sound like the TV…” I mumbled.
“I…” She stuttered.
“It sounds like a child…” I said, standing up suddenly. Tears were streaming down her eyes.
I walked toward the room. I opened the door. “I’m sorry.” She said, falling to her knees in tears. “I didn’t want you to know.”
Now I know…
“What's his name?” He said, standing over the crib. A dark shadow was cast over his face. I couldn't tell if he was angry, sad, or just confused. It didn't look or feel good. In that moment, I wished that he never even came over. It wasn't even my fault that any of this happened. It was him. It was Liam fucking Conway who neglected me and the baby.